INCI Name: Glycyrrhiza spp.
CAS Number: 68916-91-6
Grade: Food Product
Part Used: Roots
Appearance: White
Origin: India
Common Name: Licorice, Mulethi
The botanical name refers to a hallmark property of this plant; glukos (Sweet in Greek) and riza (root). Glycyrrhizin, a cortisone like chemical found in high proportions in the root, is said to be 50 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). Licorice has many uses and is considered a tonic plant in many traditional medicinal systems. It has been used to support a healthy digestion, lung and respiratory function and promote a healthy adrenal response to stress. It is a member of the Fabaceae family and the species mentioned above are widely distributed in Turkey, The Middle East, China, India, Southern Europe including Spain and Sicily, Asia, Outer Mongolia and Western Siberia. It has been used in commerce as a flavoring agent for confections, liqueurs, and tobacco for centuries.
Digestive Support, Energy Support, Immune Support, Liver & Cleanse Support
Licorice is covered by a positive German Commission E monograph and can be used for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract as well as gastric and duodenal ulcers in Germany as an OTC medicine. Although there have been numerous studies conducted on animals and humans involving both isolated chemicals from licorice and various preparations, more research is needed to determine the exact mechanism of the various actions of Licorice. That being said, it remains one of the most widely used and trusted herbs among traditional botanical practitioners. It has also demonstrated important immune modulating effects in studies.
It is 100% herbal and is prepared from natural extracts.
This improves the health of the respiratory tracts and clears congestion, and eases breathing problems.
Mulethi powder boosts digestion and helps in curing skin ailments.
Mulethi powder helps strengthen the hair roots and increases the growth of the hair.
The anti-inflammatory properties of the Mulethi powder when mixed in the henna provides protection against the hair loss.
Mulethi powder eases menopausal symptoms in women and removes discomfort caused due to pain.

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G-16, Phase – III Industrial Area, Sojat City
District- Pali, Rajasthan India. Pin- 306104