Kapoor Kachari is called Spiked Ginger Lily, a plant species native to India in the Himalayan region, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Ethiopia. It is a small, hardy perennial that grows to 3 feet. It has large orange and white flowers. Kapur Kachri treats all types of hair and scalp issues. People who look towards restoring the natural growth of their hair prefer using Kapur Kachri. Kapoor Kachri powder also works best upon lice. It helps with dandruff removal from the scalp.
Kapoor Kachri powder has fortifying antioxidants which are beneficial to the scalp skin.
This powder improves the health benefits to the hair by helping restore scalp damages.
This powder works in parallel to strengthen the hair roots resulting in good hair growth.
The herbal nature of this powder helps kill the lice and clear scalp infections.
The Kapoor Kachri powder helps turn gray hairs into black again when used with regular henna based dyes.